Ecuador (MNN)–HCJB World Radio recently released the shortest language program they’ve ever done.
It’s a five-minute program in the Kulina language, the first of its kind, according to HCJB World Radio’s partner ministry.
According to HCJB’s partner, Kulina is one of four living dialects of the Arawa language family. The program is the result of producers at HCJB World Radio collaborating with a Kulina speaker working in the Brazilian and Peruvian Amazon region.
Aired from their shortwave station in Ecuador, it’s basically a Bible-reading program. Since many Kulina speakers already tune in to Radio Station HCJB’s Portuguese programs, it was a natural fit to add their native language.
As for the delivery, there are reports that at least one person in each village has a shortwave radio, along with a public address system for communal listening. As a result, the broadcasts could reach as many as 4,000 people with the Gospel.