World Christian leaders gather in US for summit

By September 15, 2005

USA (MNN) — Delegates from 35 nations will gather in the United States October 10-13 for the International Summit for Church Leaders, sponsored by Global Advance .

Global Advances’ David Shibley explains what the summit is all about. “This summit is actually delegate driven. There are large amounts of time that will be given in these days to open ended prayer and discussion concerning world evangelization, concerning strategies for reaching yet unreached peoples.”

This event is held every three years to honor Christian leaders who are at the forefront of the missions movement in creative access nations. Shibley says, “We believe these men, who are very capable and very anointed for the fulfilling of the Great Commission, need to be speaking to us as to how we can better serve them. We believe this is a new missions paradigm.”

There will be a numbers of pastors from around the world and Shibly’s asking for prayer for all the leaders, but especially for the pastor of the largest evangelical church in Baghdad, Iraq, who will be attending. “Please be praying especially, that we could minister especially to him and encourage him in this daunting and yet exciting task that he has as one of the leaders of the immerging church in that nation.”

One Comment

  • Dear sir
    happy to know about the conference, i am a Theological college professor and pastor ,from india i work indegeniously for the furtherance of the gospel in india, can i participate, if so ,will you be able to see my travel and lodging, .plz pray and reply
    pastor. k.danaraju india

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