Russia (MNN)–Red tape may soon interfere with an international adoption ministry.
Bethany Christian Services is warning that adoptions from Russia will continue to become more and more challenging for adoptive parents.
A growing shortage of young workers in Russia, coupled with concerns over the deaths in the U.S. of several adopted Russian children led to greater scrutiny of both parents and adoption agencies and lengthened the waiting periods.
Many regions are asking for recommendation letters from a mental health professionals. The Duma has new proposals for a bi-lateral agreement with the adopting countries and for a ban on independent adoptions.
Americans adopted more than 5,800 Russian children last year, second only to China as the most popular country for U.S. families.
In the meantime, Bethany continues to be the hands and feet of Christ to the children. For many children, aside from the believers who care for them in the orphanages, the biggest opportunity for witness are the families who adopt the children.
For the families who are living testimony to the connection between earthly adoption and spiritual adoption, there is opportunity to nurture. Pray that this avenue of ministry stays open.