USA (MNN)–Lawlessness and desperation are mounting across New Orleans as the city is being evacuated. The order came from Louisiana’s governor in the wake of Hurricane Katrina.
With the city underwater, it could take months before it’s functional again. As of this writing, nearly the entire police force turned their attention from search and rescue efforts to dealing with crime.
In the meantime, stranded evacuees are growing increasinly restless, with no food, water, sanitation or medical help.
Global Aid Network, the humanitarian aid ministry of Campus Crusade for Christ, is responding. GAiN USA’s Charles Debter. “Currently, we are transporting a shipment of orange juice, and preparing to send ice and drinking water, ingredients for soup, clothing and other necessities of life to be able to help people in the shelters in the affected areas.”
Debter says the call for help goes back to the call for spiritual harvesters. “We need to follow that prayer to call for workers to join in the relief effort as well as to reach out with compassion with the hands and feet of Christ by the power of his Holy Spirit. That’s what we’re aiming to do through the Global Aid Network.”