Thailand (MNN) — Southeast Asia, a region where Christianity does not have a strong representation. Held in the grip of Buddhism and living in one of the poorest regions in the country, many of the Isaan people of north-eastern Thailand have never been introduced to the Gospel message.
But through Christian radio, the Far East Broadcasting Company has been making inroads into the Isaan since the late 1990s.
“Portable Missionaries” was a term coined in the early 1950s when staff members from FEBC Philippines designed and constructed transistor radios for the purpose of giving them to people in remote areas. The “box that can talk” brought them the Good News in their own language. PM radios continue to be an effective means of sharing the gospel with people who live in restricted access countries or those unable to attend a local church. In an on-going effort to reach more people, FEBC is committed to distributing portable radios to listeners who need them.
Lives are being changed by the power of the Gospel heard through the airwaves, and over 4-thousand people have participated in their Bible correspondence course.
FEBC provides the people of Thailand with the opportunity to learn the gospel message by programs on short wave radio and local AM and FM stations. With the fraction of the cost to produce one episode of a TV program in the United States, a whole year’s worth of Bible teaching and encouragement can be provided for FEBC’s listeners. FEBC needs your prayer and financial support to maintain its commitment to keeping quality Christian programming on the air for the Isaan people.