Niger (MNN)–Hunger continues to stalk in the Maradi and Zinder regions of southern Niger.
It is there where the reports are grimmest. The famine that region is growing worse daily with between 2.5 and 3.6 million people in need of critical food-aid.
Of those, the statistics show almost 800,000 are children. Malnutrition and disease are now making the rounds as long lines form at aid sites.
But aid groups say nothing will turn the crisis, if there aren’t long-term solutions. Aside from food aid, World Vision’s Christine Hahn, speaking from Niger, says the months ahead are critical. “We have agriculture programs. We have programs in micro-enterprise development where we give them small business loans–help them to start their own businesses.”
Such projects, along with recent rainfalls, have brought back slim hopes for a harvest in October. Even as the adults benefit from these programs, the children need more help. They are the ones being hit hardest by the famine.
Hahn says they need more help. “We have about 23-thousand sponsored children. It gives those children an opportunity to go to school, and get educated so it opens up many opportunities for them.”
Working in the Muslim context, Hahn explains that their actions speak as Christ. “I’ve had Muslims come up to me many times and say, ‘We know that you’re going to help us. We know that World Vision is going to follow through because you’re Christian. Christians always follow through, and they’re honest and they’re accountable.’ That opens the door for people to share their faith.”
World Vision asks that Christians pray for the relief work and the survival of malnourished children, sponsor a child in the region, or make a much-needed donation to supply food for children and starving families in Niger.