Romania (MNN)–Romania has been hit by its worst floods in 50 years.
The floods also hit people living in near the border with Serbia and Montenegro. Government reports indicated about 2,000 homes in four southern counties were flooded and some 3,500 hectares of agricultural land inundated. All told, damage estimates were set at $596 million.
With international relief response focused on other natural disasters, time is a factor in response. Because the scope of the flooding didn’t cause severe damage to the infrastructure, little attention has been given to the area.
However, that’s not the case with Baptist World Aid. Director Paul Montecute says, “We immediately heard about this from the Baptists in Serbia there who asked us for assistance, and also from a group called ‘Tabita,’ which is a group from based in Novi Sad. There’s a lot of relief work in the area. We were able to provide funds, and with the funds, they were able to do a great deal.”
Montecute says the work their teams are doing also open many doors for ministry. “One of the team leaders said when he went into a flooded village, he found it a place of absolute hopelessness. By sitting and talking, sharing and showing the love of Christ, by providing food packages, by providing waterproof clothing and boots, and things like that, it was a wonderful opportunity to lift the spirits of those people.”