Sammy Tippit trains Christians from difficult nation

By May 27, 2005

Undated (MNN) — They may not have appeared to be Christian leaders from a difficult nation. Many were young, several women — some very new in their faith. They came from different cities in a nation that’s extremely difficult for followers of Jesus. They left their nation for a week and traveled to a neutral place to receive training on how to reach their nation for Christ. Both Sammy Tippit Ministries and EQUIP provided training for this small band of men and women.

Sammy Tippit taught principles of prayer and a representative from EQUIP taught principles of leadership that would build and strengthen those in attendance. Many of them were house church leaders and some led several house churches. The church inside this nation is growing so rapidly that many of these leaders were less than two years old in their faith.

Many testimonies from the leaders were incredible. Their hearts are on fire for Jesus and they share His love with people everywhere. It’s out of that kind of evangelistic heart that they have seen so many house churches started.

One young lady told of how she was taking a course in school, and God impressed her to witness to her professor. It could have cost this young woman her life to be so bold. However, she obeyed that “small still voice” and told the professor about her belief in Jesus. The professor then began to tell her of a dream that he had. He said, “I saw myself in a large field on judgment day. Everyone was going to stand before God, and I was frantically searching for Mohammed. I couldn’t find him, and an angel appeared and said, ‘You have gone the wrong path. This is not real. Jesus is real.’ The professor then asked me the meaning of this dream. I told him that Jesus was trying to reveal Himself to him and that he needed to follow Jesus. He prayed with me and gave his heart to Jesus. It was so wonderful.”

This young lady continued sharing her faith and led many of her fellow students to Christ. Her story wasn’t unusual. Testimonies like this abounded from those attending the conference. Most of the leaders were so new that they needed training in the basics of the Christian life and how to impart those basics to others.

Sammy Tippit Ministries has been involved in this nation for the past 8 years. The ministry has been broadcasting the gospel into this nation for more than a year. STM asks that Christians pray for those house church leaders from this unnamed country. Please pray for their safety and that the Gospel would continue to go forward.

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