Open Doors focuses on helping the local church in tsunami areas.

By January 10, 2005

Asia (MNN)–Open Doors’ International staff in Southeast Asia is assessing the situation in the tsunami area.

Although the Christians are a minority throughout Indonesia, and particularly in the nation’s worst hit province, a coalition of church networks responded en masse.

Open Doors is joining that movement, marking a continued movement toward their focus on strengthening the local church. Open Doors’ Carl Moeller says they’re currently positioning their church networks to serve with trusted aid agencies. “The local church that we support is going to be there six months, a year, ten years, even twenty years from now as this generation seeks to rebuild itself.”

Moeller says what makes this effort different from other humanitarian projects is a rooted determinedness to live the love of Christ. “That, we believe, is the function of the local church in those areas, even the Muslim areas. They all need a Christian witness, on the ground, bringing healing and hope and that’s where Open Doors is going to be able to shine in our greatest strength, which is, to provide the church with enough resources to be able to be that place of healing.”

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