Volunteers are needed to reach teens for Christ in the U-S

By December 14, 2004

USA (MNN) — Volunteers are an integral part of ministry with Young Life. It’s an organization that takes God’s word to teens around the world. But, the need for more people to help is great.

Young Life’s Tom Hammon says there is a problem with those who don’t participate in outreach. “The concept of a non-participatory laity is not Biblical. And, some would even say we’re going through a second reformation right now where the church is finally getting it, that we’re all called to be ministers. We need lots and lots of people to work with kids because it’s Biblical.”

Hammon says young people are no longer rebelling against authority. “There has been a lot less adult authority in their lives to rebel against. I think kids are crying out for adults to be involved in their lives. There certainly are more and more kids that don’t have good adult figures (moms or dads) in their life and (they have) a great need for adults to be there, (adults) who love Christ.”

Kids are hungry for answers and are looking for truth. “Many parts of this country, certainly around the world, it’s a post-Christian era and the kids have not been churched. It doesn’t mean they’re not open to Jesus, but they haven’t been churched as much as perhaps they had been in previous generations.”

While there are many young adults who volunteer, older volunteers are also needed. “If you look at many schools the most revered teachers and coaches are often older teachers and coaches who kids genuinely love. I think we live in a time when older literal mom and dad figure kind of adults can enter the world of kids and make a difference.”

Young Life’s mandate is to go to all kids everywhere with the Gospel of Jesus Christ. If you’d like to volunteer with a Young Life chapter you can call the Colorado Springs office at (719) 381-1800, or go to their web site http://www.YoungLife.org.

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