Over 40-million Christians in China

By September 24, 2004

China(MNN)–The church in China is seeing tremendous growth and increased government acceptance. There are now over 40-million Christians in China.

In many places where the government had torn down homes and churches, they are now giving permission for people to rebuild. Christians are encouraged as the government is no longer looking down on churches or Christians.

In October, a new church building will be dedicated in the city of Linchuan, in the Jiangxi Province. The new building will seat 1800 people. China Partner has been involved in the building project, and with their first priority still on training pastors and church leaders, China Partner is excited about this new opportunity for building projects.

Erik Burklin with China Partner is encouraged about many things happening in China today. He says, “What we’re excited about, this development, just proves that within a communist society and run by a communist government, there is relative freedom for Christians and for religion for that matter.”

Things are getting better in China, but the church still has great needs for training and equipping their leaders.

Burklin continues, “One of the most needed aspects of the fast-growing Chinese church is for additional pastors to be trained and equipped to do the ministry. So many people are accepting Christ all over China. In some provinces it’s stronger than others, but overall the church is exploding!”

Pray for the continued work of groups like China Partner. Pray for the Chinese Christians to continue to grow and be the light of Christ in a dark place.

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