Poor men need mentors from the church

By January 19, 2004

USA (MNN) — “Statistics indicate there’s a clear coloration between poverty and men being involved in the homes (of the United States).” That’s the message coming from Here’s Life Inner City’s Ted Gandy. He says, “They father children, but they’re not involved in the family. They’re just off and away.”

However, Gandy says that must change if this segment of society draw close to Christ. He says, “There’s a strong feeling that if we can get men to make commitments to their children, to their families, to their wives, to see marriage reinstituted among the poor that there is going to be an incredible impact.”

Gandy says since poverty seems to spread across generational lines and the church needs to become more effective. “It’s really going to take the body of Christ that takes men under their wings and do some mentoring and modeling and life skills training as well as parental training. And, we need to hold up the Biblical standard of what a family is all about.

Gandy says as men mentor, they also need to share the Gospel. He says prayer is needed to see this issue addressed. “Churches (need to) really step up and pick up the Biblical challenge and those churches would begin to says, ‘what can we do,” says Gandy. He says, “Because if we can get some serious mentoring going, that can go a long way to reverse the impact of this generational disaster that we have in this country.”

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