Research may lead to outreach in Malawi.

By November 20, 2003

Malawi (MNN)–Cholera is a deadly disease that frequents dire situations, increasing the despair of war-like conditions.

World Vision Malawi has established a core research team in an effort to stamp out cholera as a disease that recurs and kills many children and the elderly every year in the country.

The team is trying to learn if and how food security is connected to cholera epidemics. The team plans to conduct its research in southern Malawi next week.

The mobilization comes in response to news that a cholera epidemic had started, with 77 cases and one death reported –all of them from the southern district of Machinga.

The research means WVI is going back to basics, to find out all factors about cholera and what teams should do to combat the disease effectively. They will also work with other stakeholders like the government and several non-governmental organisations.

The question then becomes how is this a ministry? Through this effort, WVI hopes they can alleviate some of the physical suffering in the area. In so doing, the teams are representing Christ’s love which often leads to sharing faith.

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