Shortfall in funding leads to praise.

By October 29, 2003

USA (MNN) — What started off as a funding emergency has turned into a time of praise for Crossroad Bible Institute.

In the last four weeks, Crossroad Bible Institute experienced a sudden, unexpected and extremely serious financial shortfall. September saw an unprecedented drop in donations coupled with this year’s unprecedented increase in students. The harvest is plentiful, and so are the laborers. But for the first time in history, CBI was forced to borrow heavily from the emergency fund.

CBI had to cut costs. But, in the meantime, CBI students (prison inmates) came to their aid by sending checks some $5, some $10 to help. That allowed the organization to continue ministry, but it also did something else.

According to CBI’s David Schuringa the giving of students prompted others to give. “When ny wife and I saw that you were asking the prisoners for help, we knew we had to rethink our stewardship priorities,” said one donor.

“There’s a long way to go to finish the year well,” says Schuringa. But in the mean time ministry to these inmates continue.

Please pray that the Lord of the harvest will intervene and refresh us with His blessing so that this bountiful harvest can continue.

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