Dought in Romania may affect an orphanage program in Romania and Moldova.

By October 13, 2003

Romania (MNN) — It’s going to be a lone winter for children in Romania and Moldova. That’s the message from Little Samaritan Mission‘s Florin Pindicblaj.

“This summer they had the most severe drought in 50 years,” says Pindicblaj. He says, ” I anticipate there will be famine in the winter. So, we ordered – didn’t pay yet – for 50 tons of potatoes to provide for orphanages.”

Little Samaritan cares for physical and spiritual needs of 10-thousand children. Pindicblaj says Romania should be okay because of their connection with the European Union, but Moldova may be more challenging. He says, “I appeal to (your listeners) to help us for next year. The government is weak here and more and more children are in orphanages.”

Pindicblaj says money is needed now to help missionaries care for them. “We have missionaries working in those orphanages and we know to date every need, from water heaters, to cows for milking and seeds to create a vegetable garden, blankets, mattresses, but the biggest need now is coal for heating, food and maybe mattresses.”

You can go to their web site for more information.

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