For the first time in nearly a year, supplies are flown in to help missionaries in a city in the Democratic Republic of Congo.

By September 10, 2003

Democratic Republic of Congo (MNN) — Officials at Grace Ministries International are praising God for a United Nations helicopter. It flew from Bukavu to Kama recently with over 1,000 pounds of medicines and supplies for missionary Sam Vinton, Sr.. This was the first plane to land in Kama in a little less then one year. Flights have been on hold because of civil war related violence in the region.

The violence affected Vinton, who’s served in the Congo for more than 70 yeras. His house had been looted and lost everything.

U-N officials and heads of relief agencies also made the trip and were able to see the more than 10,000 refugees who are occupying the schools and medical facilities in Kama.

Outside Kama, the situation is still dangerous because of roving bandits. Vice President of the Grace Churches in Congo, Pastor Mukula, is currently being held hostage by rebels in the area.

Please pray for the restoration of peace and order in the Congo. Grace Ministries is opening a Congo Refugge Fund to help some of those who have lost everything, including those who need medical care.

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