Story number 1 for 11 Aug 2003

By August 11, 2003

(Bangladesh)–Bangladesh’s monsoon season top today’s news. Since flooding began in mid-June, hundreds have lost their lives, and thousands, their homes. The new concern is water-borne disease. In spite of the devastation, the catastrophe appears cyclical, because the poor are pushed onto the floodplains of Bangladesh. Their need prompts Compassion International to respond. Mark Yeadon. “We’ll establish a local office, we’ll hire staff, we’ll do the logistics of office and infrastructure, and then we’ll begin to respond in some immediate ways to the immediate needs of the poor within the communities of the churches that we choose to work with.” Yeadon says more than that, there are other challenges to working in this area. “Pray for openness. Bangladesh is a very difficult country. It’s predominately Muslim. Less than one percent of its population is Christian. And so, we could pray for the right staff. Pray for the churches that God would lead us to the right church partnerships.”

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