(Romania)–Meanwhile, a ministry in Romania is making a plea to help reach more than a half-million people through Christian radio. Little Samaritan Mission’s Florin PindicBlaj says 60-thousand dollars is needed to put three radio stations on the air. “We do not have (the) money. Time is running out. And, if we have a promise for the money by the very end of July we need to open. Everything is just in the money right now. I do not want to go back to the government with the license to say we were not able to open.” PindicBlaj is asking people to pray for wisdom. He says if the money isn’t raised quickly, they’ll have to make some very difficult decisions. ‘Little Samaritan, it’s not only in broadcasting, we have thousands of orphaned children from the state orphanages to help them. We have poor and widows and soup kitchens. And, some times you need to cut. You need to give up on something and this is very hard.”