Story number 1 for 28 May 2003

By May 28, 2003

(International)–Topping the news, the cycle of anti-American sectarian violence, punctuates the lives of Americans with incredible force. The issue now presents itself both as security and domestic in the global scenes. In light of that, the church’s growth pattern faces an underlying shift. Global Advance’s David Shibley. “We cannot discount the fact that anti America sentiment is growing; at the same time, we are not dismissed from fulfilling the Great Commission simply because we are not welcome. Therefore, creative ways have to be found for us to partner with the emerging national churches around the world.” Shibley says as more church leaders call for and receive evangelistic teaching and equipping, the world is taking notice. “Even noted sociologists, who aren’t necessarily believers, have expressed great interest in the changing complexion of the church around the world; that it is becoming more conservative theologically, [and] that the strength of numbers has shifted from the northern hemisphere, to the southern hemisphere.”

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