Story number 4 for 1 May 2003

By May 1, 2003

(Uganda)–Elsewhere, the recent breakdown of a ceasefire in northern Uganda causes anxiety for some, but hardens the resolve of others. Church leaders, specifically, face longstanding challenges and discouragement. Global Advance’s David Shibley just finished a Frontline Shepherd’s Conference in Kampala, Uganda. He says meeting church leaders reveals hope and a determination to evangelize. “A literal decrease, statistically, in the ravaging AIDS epidemic is because of a very strong evangelical church throughout the nation. There is tremendous hope among the people now. There has been a wonderful cooperative relationship over the last several years between the government and the church.” Shibley says the church leaders are filled with hope; what’s more: “What was most encouraging to me was to see some 15-hundred of these pastors make a public commitment to plant at least one new church within the next year.”

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