(Greece)–Next, the Greek government is looking to allay fears of delays in preparations for the 2004 Athens Olympics, saying they are on schedule, with some key sports venues being completed ahead of deadline. AMG International’s Tasos Ioannidis (ee-yoah-nee-dis) says they’re building on the longstanding ministry presence, with a dynamic athletic facility that serves as the frontrunner for AMG’s future work. “We are working in partnership with a number of organizations that are going to be involved in evangelistic activities around the world. Our people in Greece, because of AMG’s history and tradition, are taking a leadership role in that area.” Ioannidis urges prayer for this outreach, simply because of the number of details still to be worked out. “People need to pray that the preparations will continue to go smoothly, that the material that which is going to be distributed for evangelistic purposes is going to be ready, that travel for people who need to travel for evangelistic purposes is going to go smoothly, and for safety for all involved.”