(USA)–Many nonprofit groups are being dealt a double blow by the economy. On the one hand, the sluggish financial picture is hurting their ability to raise money, and at the same time, it is what’s causing the demand for their services to expand. Association of Christian Schools International’s Ken Smitherman says they’ve also felt the pinch. “We’re finding that, in general, giving to our international ministries division has been exactly commensurate with the decline in giving nationwide to charitable organizations. We’re probably off about 25-percent.” Smitherman explains that they are trying to hold to their Christian education commitment in spite of the budget crunch. “What we’ve attempted to do, at least at this point, is to just bring a very significant tightening down, across the board, rather than withdrawing services or specific programs at this point.” Smitherman says if the trend remains unchanged, lack of funds will affect growth and the continuation of some programs.