Story number 1 for 18 Sep 2002

By September 18, 2002

(Israel)–Headlining today’s news, the possibility of war in Iraq could have huge implications for Israel. During the Gulf War, Iraq fired missiles at Israel causing damage and death. According to High Adventure Ministries’ Isaac Gronberg, Saddam Hussein could do even more damage. “He will try, maybe, to use a few of his missiles, or maybe use some of his biological weapons or maybe chemical weapons against Israel because this is the only country he can hurt. This time Israel promised that Israel will take revenge very quickly.” Gronberg is praying for restraint if war does break out. However, as hostilities increase, he’s praying many will listen to their broadcast from Israel and hear the Gospel message. “We have interviews with Christians. We send it over to Sky Angel and they broadcast it over 24 hours a day to them.”

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