(Korea)–We begin today in South Korea where a powerful storm lashed the country, undoing decades of progress. The deadliest typhoon there since 1959 bore down and left widespread devastation. Far East Broadcasting Company’s Chris Slabaugh (SLAY-baw) says although their stations sustained some damage, they are back on the air. He reveals their ministry opportunity. “There’s going to be a need for relief in these areas of people whose homes are lost. How do you respond to that appropriately; how do you respond to business partners of the ministry possibly who have loss? So, just pray for real wisdom.” Slabaugh describes their prayer needs. “These types of things weigh on you emotionally, as you assess damages, as you pick up the pieces, as you begin to think about what is the appropriate response for a given situation. Pray for wisdom for people, particularly the staff of FEBC as they respond.”