Story number 1 for 7 Aug 2002

By August 7, 2002

(Iran)–We begin today in Iran where the voices of reform are getting louder and louder and the people are turning elsewhere for news and information. SAT-7, satellite television service for the Christians of the Middle East and North Africa, hopes many will hear their message as they begin Christian programming in the Farsi language in September. SAT-7’s JB Kump. “We’ve been working with some Christians here in the United States with Iranian decent who are actually producing a program right now. It looks like a magazine show. Man on the street interviews, soap opera, movie reviews. It’s going to be very appealing, we believe, to the population there.” Kump says this added program needs funding. He says it’s easy for people to get involved. “It’s one dollar per person for a year’s broadcast over there. So, a family, if they were to set aside the amount of money that they might spend on a fast food meal they’d be able to encourage new people who have never heard the Christian broadcast before.”

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