Story number 4 for 25 Jul 2002

By July 25, 2002

(China)–Elsewhere, a new day is coming for outreach in China. As the excitement builds, the Evangelical Baptist Mission has caught the vision. EBM’s David Hague says they’re doing the background work needed to hopefully launch a project in China. He says they have found the perfect tentmaking opportunity, too. “They’re really desperate for native English-speaking people to come and help with the training that they require for the Chinese populace. So many people want to learn English from English speakers; they want the accent, pronunciation and all of that to come from people who have been speaking that language from birth.” For the teachers, it is their testimony that will open the door for questions. Hague says they’ll support the church too, but pray: “For the leadership of the church to receive training; for God to do this, use outsiders to do this if that’s the way He wants to do it, and then for successful evangelism, and not only the evangelism of people, but discipling as well.”

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