(USA)–And, a ministry that provides material to help people read through the Bible in one year is now available in Norwegian. Bible Pathway Ministries’ Rita Guerra (like getta) says a faithful reader of Bible Pathway was actually responsible for its completion. “He went on a tour to Israel and ran into this little gal from Norway. And he told her, ‘You know, you ought to translate Bible Pathway into Norwegian.’ And she said, ‘Well, what is it?’ And so, he gave her a whole set and the next thing you know they contacted us and one thing led to another and pretty soon here they marched in with the whole translation. And now, two years later, they have married.” Guerra says the translator of the Norwegian version has one big hope. “There (are) 4.5 million people in Norway; 90,000 Norwegian people in the United States. And, she’s just hoping these words will bring them to Jesus and let Him touch their heart.” This translation will bring to 11 the number of languages available on-line at BiblePathway-dot-org.