Story number 1 for 24 Jun 2002

By June 24, 2002

(Kazakhstan)–We begin today’s newscast in Kazakhstan where it’s being reported that the government authorities are putting increasing pressure on the church to register. Despite the harassment, believers continue to minister. In the last round involving harsh changes to the religion law, Christians revamped their approach. Bible Mission International’s Paul Hagelgamns explains. “Churches, during the last year, really prepared themselves for working under the new law of religious freedom. They [wrote] to the government [about] what they [will and won’t] do. They continue to do evangelism, children’s ministry, working in plenty of churches.” Although the law was rejected, Hagelgamns asks for prayer support. “It’s a big need for the workers. Second, please pray that God will give wisdom and power for his workers. And third, really pray for churches in America, that churches will participate more and more in this ministry.”

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