(USA)–200 Wycliffe delegates from 70 nations met at the JAARS Center in North Carolina to discuss Bible translation strategy. It was called the Wycliffe International Convention. Kenneth Kok (kahk), the Director of Wycliffe Bible Translators in Singapore, says one thing resonated throughout the meetings. “Prayer is needed to under gird this Vision 2025 that we are hoping to see Bible translation started in every language that needs one by the year 2025. And, we are really going to look at prayer as the most important strategy that we can do.” Kok says while three thousand languages still need scripture, the translation process must be improved. “If we continue to work in the way that we worked before we will probably take another 150 years. We feel that is too long. Five generations of people will have passed on without ever having a chance to have the word of God in their own language.” Pray that God will accomplish this goal and that many will come to Him as a result.