Story number 4 for 15 Apr 2002

By April 15, 2002

(Burkina Faso) Next, an evangelical ministry is celebrating a milestone in its pastoral training program. David Shibley with Global Advance says they recently held a Frontline Shepherd’s Conference in Burkina Faso. “There were over 4,000 pastors and church leaders. The Evangelical Alliance of the country was completely behind the conference and there were 11 major denominations that we represented. What was most exciting of all is that we were able to reach the 200,000th pastoral leader who has come through our Frontline Shepherd Conferences and Global Advance training since 1990.” For 75-dollars, Shibley says people can sponsor a pastor at a conference. It pays for: “..transportation, training, housing during the days of the conference, for food and then for the resources that we leave with these pastors to put a vision in his heart of reaching his village with the Gospel.”

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