Story number 5 for 9 Apr 2002

By April 9, 2002

(China)–And, Don Richardson Ministries is marking the first foray of evangelism into China, in 1805. Don Richardson says since the time of Robert Morrison, the first Christian missionary to China, the church has thrived despite governmental pressures and a Communist regime. “It is now believed that the number of Christians in China in spite of government resistance to the spread of the movement is growing at an average daily net gain of 32-thousand new believers per day. Furthermore, Chinese Christians are beginning to talk about their missionary outreach further east from China into Central Asia.” Richardson encourages people to remember the Chinese church. “Pray that this unity that we hear about would not be spoiled by discord and that there would be enough good teachings. Pray also, for their protection because there’s occasional outbreaks of violence against them. And, pray that they will be able to reach out into Central Asia.”

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