(Kenya)–Meanwhile, missionary aviation is a vital part of effective missionary work overseas. AIM Air is the flight service of Africa Inland Mission. Jim Streit (stryt) is the manager of the program in Kenya, West Africa. He says their fleet of 10 aircraft does a lot of work. “We actually fly in 8 countries. We serve approximately 30 to 40 mission agencies and church groups. Even when the aircraft is not directly flying for those organizations, it’s enabling a degree of security that the people can actually be on location there, knowing that if something happens they’re going to be able to be picked up.” However, Streit says they need another Cessna Grand Caravan. “We just find that we have a lot more requests than what we’re able to meet. And, because we only have one aircraft of this size, we find ourselves being constrained in what we’re able to do for the mission and church community in this region of the world.” 500-thousand dollars is still needed for this one-million-dollar expense