(Afghanistan)–The world has so far pledged more than two and a half billion dollars to restore Afghanistan. The rebuilding is expected to be more challenging than the U.S.-led military anti-terrorism effort. It’s an opportune time for Christian relief and development groups to get involved.
International Aid’s Jerry Dykstra says their team has wrapped up an assessment trip. “They’ve been mapping out the future of Afghanistan, especially as it relates to health issues. We hope to play a real significant role in that rebuilding of Afghanistan; it is one of the poorest countries in the world. Perhaps that would mean helping supply and rebuild hospitals.” Dykstra says in order for their teams to be effective, their outreach must be focused. “We just have to concentrate on what we can do best and how we can help the people the most. As people see what we do, they will see that we’re Christians, and that this will be a catalyst in spreading the Gospel of Jesus Christ.”