Story number 4 for 20 Dec 2001

By December 20, 2001

(USA)–Next, international university students are showing a keen interest in missions work. That’s the word from the President of International Messengers, Bob Rasmusson. “We have a number of young people from Eastern Europe as well as even from Africa, (and) India, that would like to be able to go through our four month missionary training program and get sent back to either their own country or go to a cross cultural ministry for them.” International Messengers trains and mobilizes believers for evangelistic work. Rasmusson says funding is holding many of them back, so he’s raising a 400-dollar per student scholarship fund. He says this is a great investment. “We have found that many of these young people have grown up in difficult situations, (and) actually find it a little bit easier to deal with some of the challenges of being a missionary in a foreign country.”

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