(Pakistan)–We begin today in southern Pakistan where Muslim militants killed a minister and 15 others over the weekend. Christian Aid Mission’s Lance Thollander says they’re helping outreach in Pakistan. He believes this type of violence is expected to increase. “I’m concerned that especially in light of this latest attack. if there’s not justice, if there’s not statement from the government that this is only going to empower other hard-liners to carry out attacks against believers, so I think we’ll have to watch carefully and see what the response of the government will be in this situation.” Thollander says the increased persecution is having a mixed impact on evangelistic work. “I’ve actually heard from three different ministries in regard to work that two of them are looking for ways that they can help with the refugee situation and another area that persecution has just been too intense for them. It’s not safe for them to operate.” However, Thollander says moderate Muslims are showing a new openness to the claims of Christ.