(East Asia)–We turn next to the work of OMF International. At present, they are seeing the effect of growing religious solidarity taking its toll on some of their projects in East Asia. The countries will remain nameless to protect their workers. OMF’s Mark Bradley says the increased danger is creating a tension between the needs of the local church and the safety of the missionaries. “The bigger concern for OMF workers is what happens to the local Christians? By and large, the expatriate Christians can leave, but the local Christians can’t. That’s one of the reasons why there’s a resistance to just evacuating too quickly. You want to show them that you are willing to persevere and you are willing to face the difficulties and the hardships that they’ll face.” Bradley issues this challenge. “Our government is charged with the responsibility of justice and security for our nation. But, the church is charged with the responsibility of loving others, of making disciples of all nations, and we can’t forget that.”