(Romania)–Next, in the wake of Communism’s fall, many people were suffering from the collapse of their marriages. Economic hardships, lack of teaching and substance abuse problems all played a part in the separation of many families. However, Walk Thru The Bible’s Terry Sparks says they’re trying to change that. They recently held a special seminar. “In Romania, this was the first time that the course, “A Biblical Portrait of Marriage” had ever been taught there because we just finished the translation. What we’re expecting to see is a tremendous breakthrough with marriages being restored.” Sparks says, after teaching what Scripture says about marriage, there is a Gospel presentation. “As I’ve taught that section, I’ve seen men respond to accepting Christ as their personal savior as the result of just being motivated to love their wives.” Please pray for the newly planted churches that they’ll be able to disciple and encourage the young Christians in Romania.