(USA)–With U.S. forces in the first stages of what President Bush says will be a “long war,” children may feel confused and frightened by the images and words they see and hear. AWANA Clubs International’s Jack Eggar says that’s where their ministry can be especially helpful for kids. “It gives them an understanding that the Lord does care about their concerns and that they can go to him in prayer; they can put all of their fears and concerns at the Cross. They can walk away with full confidence that God does understand.” Eggar adds that in spite of the circumstances of the situation, this may open doors to hearts that were closed to the Gospel. “There are many, many people in America that are beginning to search, because I think that their value system was devastated in all of this. They had their values attached to things that were temporal, and now they’re looking at eternal things and they’re asking big, big questions that the church is equipped to answer.”