(Angola)–And, the peace ball is now squarely in Angola’s court. Authorities say they could garner more international support for peace initiatives if the Angolans themselves came up with a workable plan. However, while the politicians are pointing fingers, Christians are responding to the need. American Leprosy Mission’s Sue Renault made this observation during her last visit to Angola. “The church is a cohesive force in an exploded community. When people’s lives have been exploded by war and displacement, and poverty, and disease, the church is their cohesive force. The church is their rock. We saw that over and over again.” Renault says the need people have for the hope of Christ is what makes their work valuable. “As a funding agency, we’re enabling some of the Christian groups to do what they do best, within the context of their communities….which is both the spiritual and the physical nurture of their congregations.”