Story number 2 for 31 Aug 2001

By August 31, 2001

(Middle East)–Next, 10 Christians in Saudi Arabia have been arrested for talking about Christianity at a party. This is the latest in a series of arrests of Christians in predominately Muslim countries. Words of Hope’s Vice President for Broadcasting Lee DeYoung believes these arrests are happening for a reason. “In each of the places where this is happening there is a perception on the part of the authorities and I think it’s usually well founded that the number of Christian believers is growing. And, the instinctive response is to crack down even more. It actually triggers a back lash even among their own people which accelerates the very thing the crackdown is trying to stop.” DeYoung says with Christianity spreading Words of Hope is developing radio programs to point nominal Muslims to Christ. “We’re seeing inroads everywhere. It’s at the price for many people of at least the risk of persecution and certainly for some is gives them pause, but it seems as if the numbers are growing anyway.”

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