Story number 2 for 9 Aug 2001

By August 9, 2001

(Sudan)–Meanwhile, civil-war related violence continues in Sudan with rebels attacking a Canadian-operated oil operation in the south. Despite the violence, evangelical groups continue traveling there to help the growing church. Evangelical Baptist Mission’s David Haag describes the growth. “Estimates as high as seven million believers in a population of about 30-million people. That’s more than doubled within just a half a generation. It seems even within the deliberate attempt to eliminate a viable Christian presence, even in that context, people are being brought to Christ and churches are being established.” EBM is going there next month help train national pastors despite the persecution. “I know the persecution that they’re experiencing has been likened by some to the Holocaust that is a very frightening parallel. And, it seems to be somewhat accurate. And, to be able to minister to people in that context is a challenge and it’s a blessing.”

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