(Papua New Guinea)–Elsewhere, Papua New Guinea is quieting down following nationalistic rioting that broke out over economic reforms. The South Pacific nation has been beset by economic and political chaos since 1975. New Tribes Missionary Mark Barnes says the situation has had an effect on their work. “I’ve been teaching school in a mission school; and for us, basically, it has affected us in importation of books and school materials, in that the duty prices have gone up, and you’re also dutied on the price of the shipping. So, it’s not just the goods, but how much it costs you to get it over there.” Barnes despite the economic troubles that continue to plague the country, they have higher priorities. “It’s being able to communicate the Gospel to where people will understand it in another language. We could talk all about economics and the crunch and all that, but what it gets down to is being able to communicate the truth of Jesus Christ to the average Papua New Guinean.” Barnes and his family stayed at D&D Missionary Homes in Florida while in the United States.