(USA)–Next, Intervarsity Christian Fellowship is zoning in on the problem of global urbanization. The massive migration of souls is creating community, but also desperate poverty. ICF’s Scott Bessenecker wants to address these conditions with a group of students through the Global Urban Trek program. He says the young people today are ready for the challenge. “Social conditions in this country are requiring bolder steps of faith in terms of students identifying with Christ. I think there are aspects of cultural condition that are creating students who are ready to go the distance with Jesus.” Further, Bessenecker believes that this passion for missions will continue. “I’ve been really excited at the decisions made at this past Urbana student missionary convention. As far as I know, this convention has produced the strongest response in students for missionary service; so, I’m very hopeful that the coming couple of generations of students are really going to be excited about serving Christ cross-culturally.”