(China)–Next, despite U-S political tensions with China, ASSIST Ministries has announced Bridge Of Friendship China, a pilot e-mail pen pal program. ASSIST’s founder and president, Dan Wooding explains how it works. “We’ve sent out a message to Chinese people that if they would like to practice their English and actually have a friend in the United States at the same time, just e-mail us with their information. We’ve had quite a lot of people, mainly young people from all over China, that have e-mail addresses, that would love to have friendship with people in the United States.” Wooding says this is one way to friendship evangelism. “You’ll write to them, tell them all about yourself. They will tell you about themselves, and then, after a few e-mails, you can even share your beliefs with them, as well. You musn’t, under any circumstance, talk about politics, or anything like that. But, if you would like to become a missionary to China, without leaving home, this is the project for
Send an email to Assist Ministries if you’d like to participate.