(Russia)–Headlining today’s news, eight American pastors are safe today after experiencing just a taste of persecution against Christians in the Republic of Georgia. Assemblies of God Pastor G-B Nevitt of Illinois was there to hold a pastors conference last week. Nevitt says attacks took place March 24th. “We’re we just ambushed. They just surrounded us and started beating us and pushing us to the ground, kicking and hitting with clubs and sticks and rocks. (They) robbed us, (they) stole our cameras and video equipment and calling us Satan.” A renegade Orthodox Priest was allegedly responsible. Some Russian nationals are angry that Russians are turning to Evangelical Christianity. Nevitt says he learned a lot through this experience. “I did not fully comprehend the gravity of the situation and the pain people experience. I would implore people to take seriously their time interceding and praying for their brothers and sisters around the world.”