Story number 2 for 3 Jan 2001

By January 3, 2001

Meanwhile, Back to the Bible is in the middle of a project to help young Christians in China. Back to the Bible’s Mark Blowers says, in cooperation with Trans World Radio, they’re raising some 65-thousand dollars to provide “radio packets” which is helping with leadership training there. “What we’ve done is take a short-wave radio and some Bible studies, also some Mandarin Bibles and get these into these Chinese church leaders so that they can listen to our systematic Bible teaching and thereby receive the training that need.” Mission agencies say there’s one ordained pastor for every 10-thousand Christians. Blowers says the church is at risk. “Without sound training they’re very susceptible to cultic teaching. They’re even susceptible to even Biblical teaching that’s unbalanced. You take one scripture passage and build a whole systematic theology on that alone and you can become very cult-like.” Call our resource line to find out how you can help.

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