Story number 1 for 20 Oct 2000

By October 20, 2000

Topping today’s news, the lack of peace in Israel is affecting ministry to the Jewish people around the world including the United States. Friends of Israel’s Tim Munger says they’ve had increasing chances to share the Gospel since the violence erupted. “People are wanting to know, what does this mean? And so, we see literally before our eyes open doors of witness both in Jewish people and to inquiring unsaved Gentiles.” Munger is encouraging people around the world to pray for the Middle East. He says much of the conflict is centered on man. He says that needs to change. “We’re praying, God do your will in the land of Israel. We’re asking that God would bring these people to a saving knowledge of the Lord Jesus Christ. We need to be praying for the leaders. We need to pray that they would turn their eyes from their own resources to the living God.”

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