Story number 2 for 22 Aug 2000

By August 22, 2000

We turn next to Northern Nigeria where Gospel Revival Ministries has just experienced what they’re calling a ‘modern day miracle’. GRM’s John Musser says they took enough literature to establish a reference library in the heart of Islamic Kano State. Musser explains why this is so significant. “To allow this much Christian literature to get into one of the most violent areas in the world today, Kano, Nigeria-God just sent His angels ahead of us. And even though there’s been quite a bit of persecution, God has preserved this library.” Musser adds that prayer is also important, not only for the current projects, but for future ones, too. “Pray for us, because we also are going to target in putting a library up in every single state of India by the year 2002. So we really need the prayers of God’s people. Pray for protection that all these little libraries that we have throughout the 10/40 window, that God would preserve them.”

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