We begin today in Kosovo where trouble is still stirring between Kosovars and the Serbs. Some of it has been following evangelicals. Book of Hope’s John Young explains what happened last week. “A Muslim group broke into the building and held one of the pastors that we’ve been working with there to begin to do distributions, at gunpoint, while they searched the building for money. The group claimed to be from bin Laden’s Islamic organization and they wrote Islamic and anti-Christian slogans throughout the inside of the building. Similar incidents have been reported in the past couple of weeks by other groups, so there’s parts of the Muslim community that are anti-Christian.” Young says their group provides the Gospel to young people and children around the world. He adds that the Kosovo workers need prayer. “We just need the Christian community to really pray for that area of the world and to pray for the folks and the Christians that are there because they’ve got a real battle on their hands-there’s so much hopelessness. People are hurt and only God can bring the healing that that land needs. We just need to pray for those folks that He would begin to open up doors so that people would see real love.”