Story number 4 for 24 Feb 2000

By February 24, 2000

Meanwhile, materialism in Spain is making it difficult for evangelism. CAM International’s Joe Ciluffo (sihl-OO-foh) just returned from that country. Ciluffo says they use friendship evangelism to reach the lost. He says they desperately need committed workers. “We need experience men and women have been in ministry, that are not looking for a pat on the back, that are not looking for results over night, and that are willing to come here for the long haul. Don’t come if you’re only planning on a year or so. We need someone who’s willing to give a great deal of time to ministry here.” Ciluffo says even the Catholic Church is struggling. “There isn’t an interest in God at all. It’s sort of a society that is so moving toward materialism that God meets no need in their lives, apparently. So, even the Catholic church is finding it very difficult. Attendance is really low. So, whether you’re a Catholic or a protestant there’s still a lot of bearers into reaching people for Christ.” Ciluffo says while the process is slow and the fruit is small, people are coming to Christ.

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